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Amiga Formula One

Hall of Fame

words from the administrator


Yes, I am delighted to say we have a new administrator. I'm really glad about this because I didn't want my departure to bring about an end to the Hall of Fame. Who is the new admin, I hear you say. Well, read the following and find out...


Hi everyone! Any of you who are using the HoF Qualifier utility to submit your times for the Hall of Fame will probably recognise me. If not, then I'll introduce myself. My name is Robert Wilson and I will be taking over the administration of the Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame from Alan Strang (our current beloved admin guy). :)

I'll be hoping to maintain it to the high standards that Alan has done for some two and a half years now. You will notice a couple of new things in the March edition and a few revisions here and there will be made over the coming months, but more of that as and when.

All those submitting via a PC will welcome the PC version of HoF Qualifier. This will be available to all those who would like a copy, from my web site and Oliver Roberts's pages soon.

Anyway, that pretty much says it all from me until next month. I'll just finally say a thankyou to Alan Strang for doing such a stirling job on the HoF and I look forward to receiving those records from all of you.

I'll let Alan inform you of details on contacting me... over to you Alan.


Rob Wilson


Thanks for your kind words, Rob. OK, if you want to contact our new administrator for whatever reason (giving him a few words of welcome, changes you might like to be made to the HoF, and of course submitting your records), you can do so at


You'll be glad to know I don't want to say much here. The reasons for me leaving the Hall of Fame were outlined in last month's edition, so I'm not going to go over them again now. No, all I want to say is that I have thoroughly enjoyed my two and a half years in charge of the Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame, and I hope that each and every one of you has done so also. It's been a pleasure being able to contribute to the wonderful Amiga F1GP scene, and so it is with some sadness that I leave the HoF behind. Blah, blah, blah. =)

I'll leave you with some stupendous statistics. Since becoming the administrator in October 1996...

I have dropped one position in the standings!

28 editions of the Hall of Fame have been produced.

37 new members have been welcomed.

1,107 records have been submitted!

I bet you're glad I worked these out! =D


HTML HoF Converter by Oliver Roberts - Page generated: Thu Feb 04 15:11:45 1999